“Give her freshly squeezed orange juice. The vitamin C is good for her,” the doctor recommends time and again when my daughter falls prey to a persistent cold which accompanies the mercurial weather change in Karachi. And what a delicious remedy it proves to be!
There’s nothing like a mouthful of tangy-sweet citrus rush which is accompanied with the gulp of freshly squeezed orange juice.
The orange itself is packed with a multitude of natural benefits and is savoured raw as well as in salads. Even its peel is said to be beneficial. Yet, for me, the flavour offreshly squeezed juice is among the most relished ones in the world, after the much-loved chocolate and vanilla, proves to be the most flavoursome drink.
The boon of orange juice is not merely due to its sufficient vitamin C content but also because of the minerals, vitamins, flavonoids and phyto nutrients it holds. Add to this the presence of manganese, potassium, iron, chlorine, zinc, folic acid, sodium, phosphorus and pectin — and it becomes a complete home treatment for a healthier life and a beautiful you!
I’m an ardent winter enthusiast and one of the many reasons is that this season is the harbinger of bright, juicy oranges. The orange juice is perhaps the only drink which tastes great and can be enjoyed guilt-free because it is absolutely clean of calories. Here are a few reasons why orange juice is generously recommended by doctors, nutritionists and beauticians and what wholesome goodness lies within it:
An armour for the immune system: The reason doctors prescribe orange juice to treat flu and cold is its generous vitamin C content which fortifies the immune system and acts like an armour against ailments like flu or colds.
A healthy heart: A healthy heart means a healthier you! Hesperidin, in orange juice, is a plant-based compound called a flavonoid and is an antioxidant which works to improve the health of the delicate cells that line our blood vessels, thus preventing clogged arteries; which could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Research has shown that those who drink orange juice have better heart conditions and normal blood pressure as compared to those who don’t. The significant magnesium content in this juice has the ability to normalise erratic blood pressure levels.
Prevents kidney stones: The citrate in orange juice decreases urine acidity and prevents the formation of kidney stones that are caused due to the concentrated excess of minerals and chemicals in the kidneys. Making one glass of fresh orange juice a part of your diet can save you the agony which comes with kidney stones.
The power of healing: The natural healing properties of orange juice come from the flavonoids like naringenin and hesperidin giving it its anti-inflammatory benefits. This gives it the power to treat arthritis and relieve stiffness and pain.
A sword to combat cancer: There might be no cure for cancer but natural preventive measures like drinking a glass of orange juice may reduce the risk of this disease. The limonene added to the vitamin C within oranges is an efficient agent against skin, breast, mouth, colon and lung cancer.
A treatment for anaemia: If you look pale then the doctor will surely recommend fresh orange juice. This is because its vitamin C content promotes the absorption of iron into blood. Anaemia — insufficient red blood cells in haemoglobin and iron deficiency can be combated with this simple remedy.
A trimmer you: You’ll never hear your personal trainer or a health freak refuse fresh orange juice. This is not just because it’s healthy and calorie free but also because its anti-oxidants help you to shed those extra pounds in a safe way.
Beauty-inside out: Perhaps the best part is that the pros of drinking orange juice will manifest themselves in the form of a glowing skin and a younger you, courtesy its antioxidant properties.
A point to remember is that preserved orange juice which comes in cans, bottles or tetra packs can never accomplish the nutritional values of fresh orange. The processing and chemicals can rob it off its multitude of health benefits and natural flavour and nothing beats the taste of freshly squeezed orange juice.
So cheers to your good health! Bottoms up!
Published in Dawn, Sunday Magazine, February 7th, 2016