Modi lauds US support after Mumbai attacks, urges deeper security ties

Published June 8, 2016
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol in Washington. —AFP
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol in Washington. —AFP
Narendra Modi shakes hands with Vice President Joe Biden during his address to a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington. —AP
Narendra Modi shakes hands with Vice President Joe Biden during his address to a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington. —AP

WASHINGTON: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a closer security relationship between his country and the United States on Wednesday, in an address to the US Congress stressing the importance of warming ties between the two countries.

He dedicated much of the speech to the importance of fighting terrorism, thanking Congress for US support after a military group's rampage in Mumbai killed 166 people in 2008.

“The fight against terrorism has to be fought at many levels. And the traditional tools of military, intelligence or diplomacy alone would not be able to win this fight,” Modi told a rare joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives.

“We have both lost civilians and soldiers in combating it. The need of the hour is for us to deepen our security cooperation,” Modi said.

He leavened the speech to lawmakers, the first such address by an international leader since Pope Francis' in September, with jokes about Congress' bitter partisan divide and yoga.

But Modi used it to make serious points about India's neighbour Pakistan and regional concerns about Chinese expansionism.

“I commend the members of the US Congress for sending a clear message to those who preach and practice terrorism for political gains,” he said, not mentioning either country by name.

Warm Washington welcome

Modi is on the US leg of an international tour. On Tuesday, he met with President Barack Obama at the White House, where the two leaders said India agreed to work toward joining the Paris Agreement on climate change this year and discussed security and cybersecurity issues.

In a speech interrupted by cheers and at least eight standing ovations, Modi said deeper US-Indian security cooperation should isolate anyone who harbors, supports or sponsors terrorists.

Although he did not mention Pakistan, that line was greeted with applause from the US lawmakers, many of whom are increasingly frustrated with what they see as Islamabad's failure to crack down on militants behind attacks on American troops in Afghanistan.

Modi also stressed that India is committed to helping rebuild a peaceful and stable Afghanistan, even as he said he considers terrorism the biggest threat there and elsewhere in South Asia.

At a time of heightened regional tensions over China's assertive pursuit of territory in the South China Sea, Modi said a stronger US-India partnership could boost peace and prosperity “from Asia to Africa and from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific.” He did not mention China.

“It can also help ensure security of the sea lanes and commerce and freedom of navigation on seas,” Modi added.

Democrats leaped to their feet when Modi referred to the recent climate change summit, in a discussion of the importance of renewable energy. But Republicans in the House chamber remained seated, reflecting the US political divide over the issue.

House Speaker Paul Ryan greeted Modi at his office before his speech. After the Indian leader's remarks, he attended lunch with congressional leaders and a reception with members of the House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations committees.


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