'A Resplendent, Magnificent Pakistan' represented at the World Fair 2017
Not many Pakistanis are aware that that there is an endeavor that has been silently taking place to represent us at the World Expo in Astana, Kazakhstan this year.
On 9 June, this elaborate preparation to represent us opened to the world.
Simultaneously a gathering of world leaders including the Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif came together in Astana and Pakistan and India became part of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The summit kicked off in Kazakhstan, at the start of the World Expo with the admission of India and Pakistan topping their agenda.
The SCO will now include four nuclear powers - Russia, China, India and Pakistan - not to mention the member states' economies.
According to rough estimates, the SCO members combined will comprise around half of the world's population and produce a quarter of global GDP. With this capacity, and the inclusion of India and Pakistan the SCO hopes to influence international affairs.

The first World`s Fair or Expo was held in 1851 in Hyde Park in London. The main attraction of the Fair was the Crystal Palace erected by Joseph Paxton from iron and glass. The building was constructed from individual structures, which were easy to assemble and disassemble. In subsequent years similar facilities from iron and glass – reading rooms, malls and arched galleries were built in the largest cities. Eventually exhibition principles were developed, which eventually become mandatory as recorded in relevant international regulations.
The Expo aims to demonstrate he latest scientific and technical achievements as well as traditions and culture of the participating country. This year, the focus was on 'future engry' and alternative energy sources.
Team Pakistan, lead by Rabiya Javeri Agha, Secretary TDAP and now secretary of Human Rights Pakistan created a booth that is organic and brings the viewer close to the grassroots of energy use and conversation in Pakistan. Together with the architect Hissan Awaiz and his firm MESA and the cooperation of Trade and Development authority of Pakistan they put together a pavilion that is both informative, and aesthetically presenting a view to the world of Pakistan as never seen before.

The façade of the exhibition, an important aspect of the EXPO for every country represented, consists of a 20ft x 15ft handmade, hand-cut mosaic by Muna Siddiqui of The Craft Company titled Resplendent, Magnificent Pakistan.
This detailed mosaic highlights the magnificence of the Pakistani Landscape and seeks to educate and draw the viewer to the incredible natural diversity and geography that is Pakistan. With the peak of K2 towering over the façade, it highlights the incredible mountain ranges of Pakistan, the myriad species of flora and fauna that is breathtaking in its variety and splendor. The fact that it is a handmade mosaic also highlights the incredible ability of craftsmanship and the scope of its implementation in Pakistan.
The Expo team also brought together truck artists of Phul Patti to paint the side façade and provide live demonstrations of this world renowned and unique art-form. Entering the EXPO pavilion you can visualize Pakistan’s ability to harness wind energy demonstrated by a model of the the ancient windcatcher’s of Thatta.

There are many audio visual exhibits walking the viewer through the many aspects of energy and alternate energy uses at grassroots level in Pakistan. It is a beginning of a dialogue towards alternate energy sources for Pakistan. Hissan Awaiz, the architect of the pavilion has created an organic vista of smooth lines shaped out of a curving rattan roof and undulating fabric that forms the shape and body of the pavilion.
Over 5 million people will visit in the course of the three months that the World Expo will be on in Astana, Kazakhstan. This has been an eventful week and a milestone achieved for Pakistan in the central plains of Asia in the beautiful and breathtaking new city of Astana, Kazakhstan.