Corner bookmark

Published August 5, 2017

Schools have reopened after a long summer break. You must be excited to use your new books, notebooks, bag and stationery items. And this is where I thought to help in bringing out your creativity by making basic origami bookmarks, each unique in its own way. So let’s make the Pakistan flag and some others.

Things you need:

  1. One square-shaped green paper (I used six inches from all sides)

  2. Scrapes of white paper (to make white part in the flag, the crescent and the star)

  3. Scissors (optional)

  4. Glue stick

  5. Pencil (optional)


  1. Place your green square paper by placing one tip facing upwards. Picture2.

  2. Fold over from the bottom to create a triangle, see picture 3. The tip of the corner should face upwards.

  3. Fold and press the lower right corner into half to meet the tip of the triangle, see picture 4.

  4. Repeat the same step on lower left side corner, picture 5. The two corners should meet at the top.

  1. Open both folds, you can see the creases clearly, see picture 6.

  2. Flip down one of the top sheets and press to form the crease, see picture 7.

  3. Fold the flaps you created on right and left side back again and this time tuck them inside the folded top triangular flap, picture 8.

  4. Repeat on the left side, picture 9.

  5. Your basic origami corner bookmark is ready, picture 10.

  6. To make the Pakistan flag, draw a crescent and star on a white paper, cut them out, then cut the a small triangle according to the size of your bookmark’s top half, as in pictures 11 and 12.

  7. If you are not good in drawing, you can buy crescent and star shaped stickers.

  8. Paste the white triangle on the left half (it should be half the size while the other half will remain green), see picture 13.

  9. Now paste the crescent and the star carefully, see picture 14.

Voila our beautiful Pakistan flag bookmark is ready!

Note: I have created some more corner bookmarks by using the same steps from 1 to 9 and then pasted various coloured papers cut according to the faces I wanted. You can create any style that you want. Just use your imagination.

Published in Dawn, Young World August 5th, 2017



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