Sherpao blames centre for deprivations of Pakhtuns

Published February 12, 2018
Aftab Sherpao addresses a ceremony held in Charsadda on Sunday in connection with the death anniversary of Hayat Sherpao. — Dawn
Aftab Sherpao addresses a ceremony held in Charsadda on Sunday in connection with the death anniversary of Hayat Sherpao. — Dawn

CHARSADDA: Qaumi Watan Party chairman Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao has said that Pakistan is a sovereign state and it would not accept any dictation from any side.

He was speaking at a function held in connection with the 43rd death anniversary of former governor Hayat Mohammad Khan Sherpao at Sherpao village here on Sunday. Political leaders and party workers attended the event.

Aftab Sherpao said that the inclination of certain international powers towards India had been a source of great concern. He said that the Pakistani nation stood for good relations based on equality with all its neighbours. He added that the balance of power between Pakistan and India would be essential for peace and stability in the region.

He paid rich tributes to Hayat Sherpao for his services for the cause of Pakhtuns. He said that the great leader never compromised on principles and laid down his life for the cause. He said that Hayat Sherpao had instilled political consciousness and his sacrifices enabled the political workers to fight against all odds.

Pays tribute to Hayat Sherpao for his services

Mr Sherpao lamented that the sense of deprivation among the smaller federating units was high due to delay in NFC Award, deprivation in CPEC, restriction on homeless tribal people in other provinces and maltreatment of Pakhuns.

He said that all demands of Pakhtuns, who held a sit-in in Islamabad for their rights, should be accepted. He also criticised the PML-N government for its step-motherly attitude with the smaller provinces.

He said that the federal democratic dispensation would only be viable if all the federating units were given equal treatment. He said that the PML-N leadership always trampled upon the rights of small provinces. He said that if PML-N did not change its attitude it would be disastrous for the federation.

Mr Sherpao demanded early implementation of NFC award and inclusion of Pakhtun leadership in decision- and policy-making process. He said that any confrontation with the state institutions would be harmful for the country.

“Our focus should be on the coming general elections. Timely election will be helpful in continuation of the democratic process and stability of the system,” he said. The QWP leader came down hard on Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf for its failure to fulfil its election promises in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He said that the tall claims of reformation and change had exposed the true face of the party leadership.

He said that inability of the provincial government to properly plead the case of the province had increased the hardships for Pakhtuns. He said that the billion tree tsunami project was present only on papers and nothing could be witnessed on ground. He said that the National Accountability Bureau should thoroughly probe the matters of KP Ehtesab Commission.

Mr Sherpao said that the law and order situation was deteriorating in the province while the culprits in the high-profile cases of DI Khan and Kohat were still at large. QWP provincial chairman Sikandar Sherpao and its central and provincial leaders were also present on the occasion.

Published in Dawn, February 12th, 2018



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