We are all told that our studies are very important since they mark the start of our career and future. This is pretty normal to understand, but where we go wrong is when we choose to go down a career path because of a misunderstanding. And that misunderstanding is created by the question, “Can I earn more money if I do that?”
Before making a career decision or deciding which subjects to choose, we never think of what we’re good at. We always go for a career that offers us more chances of making a lot of money. Nowadays no one thinks about their talents or skills or about the career they would be best at. It’s all about the money.
Life has turned into a race and we have become robots. Even if we don’t like the career we have chosen, we have to stick to it. Money has forced us into it. Our country would be best in every field only if we did what we’re suppose to do, only if we did what we’re best at.
We can have the best doctors, politicians, teachers, lawyers, policemen, scientists, etc., if all these people had their hearts in what they are doing, if it was what they really enjoyed doing. The point is, we have to take the decision which would be the best for us and do something that actually makes us happy. And at that decision-making point of our lives, we need to be guided. And we need to help ourselves, we need to seek our own advice.
There is only one question we have to ask ourselves, “Am I good at it or am I only doing this for money.”
Published in Dawn, Young World, October 13th, 2018