Ministry of IT and Telecom launches to encourage e-learning

All courses are free-of-charge and powered by Ignite National Technology Fund.
Published November 15, 2018

Pakistan is one of the world’s largest providers of online freelancers with an estimated number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands.

To grow this industry and facilitate freelancers, Ministry of IT and Telecom has launched, an initiative to train one million individuals in the future of work using digital technology.

Online training of these freelance professionals encourages moderated group discussions, guided reading, reflection, self-directed exploration, and hands-on creation.

Ignite National Technology Fund training program is being funded and powered by Ignite, formerly known as National ICT R&D Fund, falling under the Ministry of IT and Telecom.

It is executed by VU, MCOM and Semiotics; VU is responsible for the execution, MCOM looks after the advertising and promotion while Semiotics is handling the onsite technical monitoring and analytics of the project.

The program aims to revolutionise the education system in Pakistan by using online technology to provide knowledge and skills free of cost to every citizen of Pakistan without any discrimination; be it youth, freelancers, students, housewives, or professionals with knowledge, skills, tools and techniques necessary to avail opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally.

The courses are delivered by professional instructors who not only teach the skills but also share the tricks of the trade necessary to understand and benefit from the said areas.

Courses offered: Freelancing, E-Commerce Management, Digital Marketing, Digital Literacy, QuickBooks, AutoCAD, WordPress, Graphics Design, Creative Writing, and SEO.

The program aims at not only develop key specialised skills, but also imparts knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally.

For more details, head over to and sign up for free.

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