Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Pakistan Army's media wing, on Monday announced a reshuffle in the military's ranks.

Lieutenant General Majid Ehsan
Appointed Corps Commander Lahore
Lt Gen Majid Ehsan has previously held the position of vice chief of general staff at General Headquarters and the president of National Defence University, Islamabad.

Lieutenant General Amir Riaz
Appointed President of National Defence University
Lt Gen Amir Riaz was previously serving as Corps Commander Lahore.
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Comments (2) Closed
Dec 10, 2018 04:24pm
Good Luck to both generals I know how hard it’s to attain three star rank in Pakistan army you reach at this position after hardship of 33 years and also it’s essential to have atleast one or two military related degrees from foreign countries such as USA, Canada and Germany in order to be eligible but still there’s no absolute guarantee that you’ll be promoted to this rank the promotion board also check your conduct, discipline, work ethic and competence throughout your service
M. Emad
Dec 10, 2018 05:17pm
Pakistan Army corps commander appointed in the month of December.