THERE are closed spaces and open spaces and non-spaces.
In our world the open spaces are in decline because they are being transformed into parking lots and shopping malls.
Khanabadosh Café in Hyderabad is such a place, a modern meeting ground that cherishes the poetic sensibilities of Sindh culture and at the same time engages with the world at large, inviting travellers from afar, like myself. Rarely have I experienced such an atmosphere of joyous celebration of poetic potential, followed by a lively discussion of matters ranging from Friedrich Nietzsche to Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.
It is with great sadness that I have just heard that Khanabadosh Café is under threat to be closed down. There are so few niches of cultural excellence. We can’t afford to lose even one of them!
Ilija Trojanow
Published in Dawn, July 25th, 2019