
You'll want to screenshot all these jokes about the new iPhone

You'll want to screenshot all these jokes about the new iPhone

Even Malala has a joke to share about the iPhone's three camera system and it's spot on.
11 Sep, 2019

Some of the most innovative minds in technology at Apple have unveiled the newest iPhones, giving the world a look at the new three camera system on the iPhone 11 Pro and Max.

Not like anyone on Twitter cares. People just couldn't resist roasting the new design:

Fidget spinners are back in fashion

What's Tim Cooking? (See what we did there?)

Sprinkle some salt on that apple

Calling the Uchiha clan

Using this instead of Pikachu now

Time for some biology

Which means this'll happen soon

One cuts your skin and one cuts your savings

Game of Thrones reference anyone?

This is just nuts!


Even Malala has something to say and we can't even

But we know ya'll gonna buy it...

...and here's how you will pay for it


Anonymous Sep 11, 2019 05:19pm
The one I found funny on the internet was - these three cameras named CIA FBI NASA
A Sep 12, 2019 12:02am
Never bought an Apple product. Never will
piyush Sep 12, 2019 05:50pm
@A Never can?
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