One upon a time, there were two brothers Waqar and Ahmed, who lived with their parents. Both the brothers were different as Waqar, the elder brother, was very obedient to his parents and Ahmed, the younger one, was very stubborn and disobedient. Both studied in the same school but in different grades. Because Ahmed was the younger one, he was more pampered and, therefore, he took everyone for granted. He never listened to his parents, nor his relatives and his teachers. Due to his behaviour, he wasn’t like by the teachers.
Being elder, Waqar always told Ahmed to change his behaviour as no one likes disobedient people and disobeying one’s parents that means disobeying Allah. When told this, for a minute Ahmed seemed to understand what his elder brother tried to explain him, but the very next moment he ran away from there. His parents were very concerned about disobedience. They tried to give him incentives for listening to his elders but after a few days that trick also stopped working.
Ahmed liked to show off in front of his friends when he got a new toy or something, just to make them jealous. None of the classmates liked him due to his irritating behaviour and the teachers were tired of trying to make Ahmed learn his lessons. Ahmed wasn’t taking interest in his studies and therefore his result got affected.
On the other hand, Waqar was a smart and obedient boy and, therefore, he was the favourite of his teachers and his parents were always proud of him. He always gave respect to his elders and helped everyone. He worked very hard in his studies and always secured the highest marks in the class.
One day when the children came back home from school, their parents gave them a surprise by saying that they had planned a family trip to Singapore for 10 days since the school was getting off due to winter break.
Waqar and Ahmed got very excited and started planning about the places they are going to visit. All the family members were started preparing for the travel and packing up their luggage.
Next morning, they took their flight and when they landed at Singapore Airport, Ahmed excitedly walked well ahead of the rest of the family. Soon his father called out to him and instructed him to always stay with his elder brother. When they reached to the hotel, they kept their luggage in their room and they left to visit Santosa Island.
As they had come to Singapore only for 10 days, they didn’t want to waste a single day and wanted to visit almost all the attractions.
When they reached, there were many rides and different activities for the children to do. Ahmed insisted to his parents that he wanted to go for a ride with his brother and his parents agreed. They were in the queue for their turn and Waqar told Ahmed to not go anywhere as he was going to get the ride passes. As soon as Waqar left, Ahmed left the queue and went to see the other rides. When Waqar was back, he saw that Ahmed has vanished from there. He waited for him for quite long, but Ahmed didn’t come back.
Waqar went to his parents and told them about this. Everyone was started looking for Ahmed and they were all looked so worried. They went to the control room and asked the guard to make an announcement as Ahmed seemed lost somewhere. Finally, the guards managed to find Ahmed, who had kept on walking and then had lost his way.
Ahmed had become very frightened and didn’t stop crying. When he saw his parents, he rushed to hug them and promised that he would never ever disobey anyone and be a good boy. He also said that he would concentrate on his studies and behave well in school with everyone. Everyone was happy that at least this incident taught Ahmed a lesson.
Waqar was also happy that his younger brother had become a better boy now and he hugged him.
Moral: If you disobey your parents/ elders, you will face the consequences in future.
Published in Dawn, Young World, March 14th, 2020