Rain destruction in Hyderabad A GREAT hue and cry has been raised for the plight of Karachi after the recent rains. Everyone right from t city officials, the chief minister and his cabinet to the prime minister and army chief have expressed concern.
I would like to ask them who will take notice of Sindh’s second largest city Hyderabad, which has also suffered in the recent deluge and is awaiting assistance. In fact entire Sindh, which is most of the Peoples Party vote bank, is gravely affected.
In Hyderabad and other small cities in its vicinity the roads are submerged and in many localities people are wading through stranded rainwater that is waist deep. In many places where roads have caved in, vehicles are trapped in deep ditches.
In my locality, Hyderabad unit number 12, the Hyderabad-Latifabad subway is under water. The entire area is suffering long hours of loadshedding and rotting food stuff is emanating a foul odour.
The Sindh government needs to take notice of these issues and restore Hyderabad’s dignity.
Urooj Fatima
THE incessant rains in Hyderabad and its outlying areas have caused colossal damage to property of residents in the city. This unprecedented downpour has also exposed the sheer negligence of local authorities.
In many localities water has entered houses and destroyed electronic appliances and other valuables. Some the roads are still under almost two feet of water which will wash away and destroy these thoroughfares posing immense problems for commuters. The plight of residents is further exacerbated by prolonged loadshedding. This has added to their miseries.
The Sindh government which seems preoccupied with other matters has never given Hyderabad the importance that is its due. The authorities’ response to the disaster is best described by the adage: too little too late. Therefore, I urge the federal government to help provincial authorities and provide relief to our city.
Muhammad Shahram Bhutto
Published in Dawn, September 8th, 2020