Q. I picked up quite a few packets of seeds from Europe a few months ago. Each packet has instructions on the back to make growing the seeds easy. A friend told me that the sowing times printed on the packets are completely wrong for Pakistan. Is this true? The man in the store, whom I got the seeds from, advised me to follow the instructions in full for best results. What to do?
A. Seeds packed for distribution and sale in Europe are printed with sowing instructions and times for the European climate, which is very different from ours. It would have helped me to advise you if you had listed the seeds by name. Generally speaking, seeds for sowing in the European spring, are mostly autumn sown here. There are some exceptions, and some seeds sold in the European market are not suitable for our climate at all.
Q. There are a lot of ants in my plant pots. Because of this, whenever I water my plants, all the water immediately drains out from the drainage holes. How can I get rid of them?
A. You can try completely re-potting your plants in new soil/compost in well-scrubbed, disinfected pots, washing every single ant off their roots by swishing them around in a bucket of water before planting them anew. Alternatively, fill a large bowl/basin with water to which a little pinky (potassium permanganate granules, used for washing fruits and vegetables) has been added. For about an hour, submerge the plant pots in this so that the water only covers the pots, not the plants. In this time span, all the ants should have drowned. Then stand the pots where excess water can freely drain out. In either scenario, once your plants/pots are ant free, scatter cinnamon powder on the soil/compost surface and around the base of the pots. Ants hate cinnamon and should stay away. Top up the cinnamon powder, once or twice a week, for a lasting deterrent.
All your gardening queries answered here
Q. Last month, I noticed some leaf miners on my beefsteak tomato plant, so I sprayed with the liquid soap spray, several times. That took care of the bugs, but the leaves started curling up. The plant is on my terrace upstairs in Islamabad, gets good sunlight, and is protected against the frost.
A. Sadly, there is no cure for tomato leaf curl virus, and it will eventually kill the plant. It is usually caused by a heavy infestation of white fly/aphids, which puzzles me, as the liquid soap spraying last month should have prevented this. Another remote possibility could be that the plant is fully exposed to direct sun, and the leaves are rolling up in protest as a plant-sunburn reaction. This is more likely to happen in summer than in winter but, in the absence of a visible white fly/aphid infestation, it is possible. If you think this may be the case, try moving the plant into light shade, and see if it helps.
Q. What is the correct time of year to sow nasturtium seeds in Karachi, and what uses, aside from being pretty, do these plants have? For how many years do they live, and how big will they grow?
A. Nasturtiums are annual plants and, if happy, will self-seed all over the place, so that future generations of seedlings pop up on their own. They can be sown at any time of year in Karachi, but prefer partial shade in summer. There are dwarf varieties, bush ones and climbing types that can climb two metres and more. Flowers, leaves and seeds are edible, have medicinal properties, and can help keep aphids away from other plants.
Q. Can I grow a magnolia tree in my garden just outside Lahore? My grandfather says yes, but my husband says no.
A. Your grandfather is correct.
Q. I am new to gardening, but would like to grow organic fruit and vegetables for use in my home, in Karachi. Our family home has quite a large garden, mostly a lawn with a few flowers, and water isn’t a problem. My parents have given permission for me to plant some fruit trees for a start. When is the right time to do this? Which fruit trees are easiest to grow, and where can I get them from? I will make a vegetable garden after I have planted the trees, and then ask you for more help.
A. This is the perfect time to plant fruit trees in your location, and local nurseries should have a good selection for you to choose from right now. Sharifa, chikoo, figs, mangoes, papaya, banana, and lemons are all easy to grow. Good luck!g
Please continue sending your gardening queries to zahrahnasir@hotmail.com. Remember to include your location. The writer does not respond directly by email. Emails with attachments will not be opened
Published in Dawn, EOS, January 23rd, 2022
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