HYDERABAD: A contingent of the Pakistan Army and two platoons of Indus Rangers were this morning [Feb 9] called in by the local administration to quell the Policemen’s strike which entered the second day today. Haji Mir Rasool Bux Talpur, Senior Adviser to the Governor of Sind, accompanied by the IGP Sind, Mr. M.Y. Orakzai … failed to persuade the striking Policemen to call off their strike. Policemen went on a lightning strike yesterday to demand respect for the Police deputed for official duty. The striking policemen told newsmen that they have decided not to return to their duties unless their demands are accepted, which included arrest of those who manhandled their colleagues, burnt their beddings and snatched their CPs and belts while on duty at a local textile mill. — News agencies

[Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies in Rawalpindi,] The Chief Martial Law Adminis­trator, Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, has repealed the previous regime’s Martial Law Regulation no. 84 issued on July 14, 1971 and its amending Martial Law Regulation No 92 issued on September 1971. These Martial Law Regulations which had been withheld by the previous regime from publication, provided for setting up a special military court for the purpose of trying Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on specified charges.

Published in Dawn, February 10th, 2022



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