LAHORE: The Punjab government on Friday distributed Single National Curriculum (SNC) textbooks for primary grades to students and administrations of 500 madaris of Wafaqul Madaris at a ceremony.
National Curriculum Council (NCC) head Dr Mariam Chughtai, Minhajul Quran International Nazim-i-Ala Khurrum Nawaz Gandapur, Mutahidda Jamiat Ahl-i-Hadith emir Allama Syed Ziaullah Naqshbandi, Raghib Naeemi, Hafiz Kazim Raza Naqvi and administrators and students of madaris were also present.
Ms Chughtai said 36,500 seminary children would benefit from these books.
“For the first time in the history of the country, children in madaris will be taught science, mathematics and English like any other school child,” she said.
She said around 9,000 madaris were registered and in the first phase, primary grade books were being distributed whereas elementary textbooks were not yet published.
Ms Chughtai added that the government was also working to provide teachers to the madaris who could teach English, science and mathematics. She said as the madaris were charitable institutes and the government would provide the salaries of their teachers too.
Published in Dawn, March 26th, 2022