ISLAMABAD: Despite challenging fiscal position and poor economic indicators, the federal governm­ent has notified a heavy fin­ancial benefit — up to 150 per cent — through an ‘exe­cutive allowance’ for government officers working in the federal secretariat and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Field Administration.

According to a notification issued by the Finance Division on Tuesday night, there will be 150 per cent (1.5 times) raise in the running basic salaries of all the government officers in gra­de 17 to 22 with effect from July 1, 2022. After ap­­proval of this allowance, the top bureaucrats are expected to get a raise between Rs150,000 and Rs200,000.

This increase is in addition to the 15pc pay raise an­­nounced by the government in the federal budget passed by the National Assembly, only three weeks ago.

According to the notification, the allowance will be admissible to all the officers posted by the Establishment Division against sanctioned posts of section officers, de­­puty secretaries, joint secretaries, senior joint secretaries, additional secretaries, additional secretaries (in-charge), special secretaries and secretaries in the federal secretariat (ministries/divisions), PM Office and President’s Secretariat.

This allowance will also be admissible to officers po­­sted as ACs, additional DCs, DC and chief commissioner in ICT field administration.

“Those officers posted on deputation against posts identified in above shall not be entitled to draw deputation allowance as well as any other allowance or emoluments, by whatever name called, specific to their cadre or organisation,” said the notification, adding that those drawing “executive allowance” shall not be entitled to draw any of the existing Disparity Reduction Allowance.

Published in Dawn, July 20th, 2022



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