Illustration by Sumbul
Illustration by Sumbul

For some reason, most people are affected by negative thoughts more than positive one. Let’s look at this example, suppose your teacher increases your test marks by one mark. It will definitely make you happy. Now think of a situation where your marks are reduced by one mark. How would you feel?

Having a positive outlook enables us to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful effects of stress on our body. Negative thinking not only affects our approach towards problems, but it also has a profound effect on our body and overall well-being.

Does thinking positive means looking at a problem not as it really is? No, it just means that one does not filter out the positive while focusing on the negative.

One way of approaching problems positively is to practice positive self-talk. For example, when confronted with something new, you can think ‘Hey, it seems like an interesting opportunity; I will learn something new trying to do it’.

Another example of positive thinking can be derived from the domain of sports. If you have an attitude of belief in your own ability and you envision yourself winning, you will automatically be able to train yourself better. At the same time, with this endurance to win, you will be energetic during games and matches. However, if you don’t have confidence in your abilities, you will never see yourself winning, you will automatically make mistakes and blunders, because your mind has already accepted that you can’t do it.

Some people are prone to jumping to conclusions too soon, which leads to negative thoughts. We should always approach difficult situations positively. When it comes to forming effective relationships, focus on the positivity of people who are important in your life and important for you. Positive people tend to be cheerful and at the same time are motivating towards everything around them. They never see anything bad coming, they will always have progressive and optimistic approach to things that are actually difficult.

Another habit which promotes negative thinking is looking at things as either good or bad; there is no middle ground. This extreme and black and white thinking hinders positive thoughts. A very important and much-needed habit nowadays in the era of consumerism, which produces positive effects on mind and body, is practicing gratitude. Grateful people are more likely to attract positive things as Rhonda Bryne explains in her book The Secret. Practicing gratitude is an antidote to depression and negativity.

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do it, you are right.”

This quotation means it’s all in the mind and we are in charge of our attitude. Whether its positive self-talk, avoiding jumping to conclusions, avoiding extreme thinking, or practicing gratitude, we are in-charge of what we think and do in our lives. So stay focused on positivity and conquer the world.

Published in Dawn, Young World, October 29th, 2022



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