Wishful thinking

Published November 14, 2022

THIS is with reference to the report ‘Sewage treatment project to be revived to stop Rawal Lake contamination’ (Oct 17), according to which, a whopping sum of taxpayers’ money in the range of Rs6.2 billion is going to be spent on the project to protect the Rawal Dam from contamination.

In fact, this money could have been utilised for establishing a hospital in that area, where presently health services are non-existent. It is very unfair that the individuals responsible for polluting the only reservoir of freshwater supply to Rawalpindi go scot-free without being penalised for causing a calamity of this proportion.

The catchment areas of the reservoir are Banigala, Shahdara and Bari Imam. About half-a-century ago, when I used to go to these areas for bird-watching, there were lush green fields and swamps where, during winters, migratory birds from the colder regions up in the north used to stop on their journey to the lakes down in the south. It was due to this reason that this area in the master plan of Islamabad was earmarked as a national park and bird sanctuary.

But the authorities concerned were overtaken by the greed of the land mafia, which started nibbling away at the land by way of converting it into a residential-cum-commercial area. Although time and again the relevant authorities have issued warnings, followed by lukewarm and half-hearted action against the encroachers, these measures have proven to be ineffective as there has been no letup in the construction activity in the catchment areas. Untreated sewage continues to find its way to the Rawal Lake.

The least that the Capital Development Authority (CDA) or any other stakeholder can do is to stop further construction in the area. Inspections should be undertaken to ensure that the houses constructed around the lake have a septic tank or sewage treatment arrangement to stop the pollution of the lake.

But, alas, this is all wishful thinking and not much can be expected when the high and mighty of the land are themselves involved in flouting the laws, and getting the master plan of Islamabad amended for their own vested interests.


Published in Dawn, November 14th, 2022


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