Fighting off the heat spell

Let's find out what Din Din, Delma and Dazel are up to this week.
Published February 11, 2023

I have never experienced such blistering heat for as long as I can remember,“ said Dazel. “Five birds have collapsed due to heat exhaustion. Dr. Owl has advised that salt water be consumed in place of drinking water because the body is losing essential salts and water.”

“Olly the octopus says that this heat spell is the worst in three decades,” said Delma with a frown.

“You aquatic animals are lucky…the water cools you off,” said Din Din as he shook off the beads of perspiration from his forehead.

“That’s true, Din Din!” replied Delma. “I don’t know how you terrestrial animals and birds are coping with this terrible heat.”

“Oh, let there be rain!” cried Din Din.

That night Din Din woke up with a start. “Din Din! Wake up,” he heard his mother nudge him urgently.

“It’s your father…he’s not well,” Mrs. Dee whispered.

Din Din sprang out of his loft-like bed in the cave. His father was lying on his rock bed and his pallor was sickly. A film of sweat covered his body and he looked drained.

“Father…what’s happened?” cried Din Din.

“I’m hot…water…,” he replied hoarsely.

Mrs. Dee ran to get a drink of cool water. Mother and son carried Mr. D out of the cave but there was no breeze to cool him.

“Let’s take him to Dr. Trish’s clinic,” suggested Din Din.

The four brothers carried their father to the cave where Dr. Trish’s clinic lay in darkness. They called out for Dr. Trish at the cave entrance because they knew that the dedicated doctor also slept in quarters in her clinic.

“Yes,” came the loud reply. “Come in!” The fireflies who sat patiently in the glass bowls flickered and gave off light.

After Mr. D was examined, Dr. Trish declared, “It’s another case of heat stroke,” the doctor sighed. “The creatures in D’Land are not taking this heat wave seriously. Precautions and measures need to be taken otherwise these strokes may turn fatal.”

“How can we help?” urged Derek.

“Everyone hates a lecture or health seminar,” Dr. Trish said shaking her head. “No one will bother to attend either.”

“I have an idea,” said Din Din thoughtfully. When he shared his thoughts with his brothers and the doctor, they grinned in appreciation.

“This might just work,” nodded Dr. Trish.

By next day Mr. D was hydrated again and back home. Now Din Din and his brothers could plan their awareness drive.

“Let’s meet at the lake with Delma and Dazel. Together we can plan something which will not only be beneficial to everyone but also a lot of fun!” suggested Din Din.

For the next few days the group planned their event thoroughly. They made posters to publicize which read: The Coolest Festival to Beat the Heat! This Sunday at Dawn at the Lakeside! Be There!

“Don’t give any more details. The suspense will draw in more crowd,” said Dazel excitedly.

“Have you spoken to the aquatic animals?” Din Din asked Delma.

“Yes, they will be ready with the hoses. We have made hoses by joining soft bamboo shoots. And the slide is under construction,” explained Delma.

Sunday was searing hot but thanks to the attractive posters which had been put up in all parts of D’Land, crowds thronged to the lakeside after dawn, all curious to see what this festival was about. As soon as a considerable crowd had collected, a spray of water splashed all those who had assembled. “Oh! What is this!” cried everyone in glee. The cool spray was being aimed by the fish with bamboo hoses.

“Come one, come all,” cried Dr. Trish in her loud voice. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have our bodies cooled down in this heat?”

“Yes!” the crowd cried in unison.

“Well, our bodies need water and hydration from within too. We have gathered you all at this water festival to inform you about a few measures you should take to avoid heat exhaustion ancllaeat stroke,” the dinosaur doctor continued. “My team of young volunteers will tell you what you should do!”

One by one Din Din and his brothers came before the crowd chanting slogans:

  1. Drink plenty of water!
  2. Avoid going out in the sun between noon to 4 pm.
  3. Prepare water with salt and sugar and drink regularly.

“And now from the newly constructed bridge at the lakeside, we present to you a WATER SLIDE!” cried Dazel as she fluttered over the crowd. With her beak, she untied the jute covering which hid the slide.

A cheer went up in the crowd. While the beavers poured water with the hoses down the slide, the creatures lined up to whoosh down the structure and squealed in delight as they hit the water with a splash. In the water, Delma carried them on her broad back to the lake bank. While the creatures enjoyed the water slide, Dazel perched herself on the railing of the bridge and chanted:

“If you suffer from any of these symptoms, rush to the doctor:

• Unconsciousness

• Convulsions or seizures

• Difficulty in breathing

• Restlessness or anxiety

• Fast heart rate

• Heavy sweating or no sweating

• Hot skin

• Severe vomiting and diarrhoea

Delma announced, “Here are a few rafts which we have prepared for you so you can wade deeper into the lake water and cool off.” The crowd applauded in merriment.

After the raft rides were over, Dr. Trish announced, “Now for a play put up by the dinosaur brothers!”

The dinosaurs enacted a funny performance where Dave doesn’t take care and continues to play in the sun after noon and doesn’t drink water. He then suffers from a heat stroke. While rushing him to the doctor, his brothers fan him to cool him.

The performance drew laughs and also taught each creature a solemn lesson.

“Thank you all for coming today,” said Dr. Trish at the end of the act. “It’s nearly noon now and so it’s time for you all to get back home before the heat gets unbearable. Just remember, we can’t control the climate, but we can take measures to help cope and take care of our health.”

The crowd clapped until the sound was deafening.

“Oh! What a wonderful Sunday,” cried Bea the beaver.

“We learnt so many important things today,” agreed Burrow the rabbit.

“In the end, I would like to thank Din Din, Derek, Dave and Don the dinosaurs who took this initiative and their friends Dazel, Delma and all the aquatic animals who helped build the slide and the hoses,” finished Dr. Trish. The crowd cheered once again.

“Now please take home a lunch packet of fruits donated by our dinosaurs at Fruit Park and take care of yourselves,” the doctor smiled.

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