BRUSSELS: One of the two boats hired out by a group of around 100 Pakistani refugees reportedly sank last night [June 13] in the English Channel. It was feared that around 40 persons drowned in what was probably an attempt to emigrate illegally into Britain from Belgium. The Pakistani refugees arrived in Belgium some days ago from Uganda where residents of Asian origin have been expelled. Well-informed sources here said that Belgian Police have advised British authorities that this group had disappeared from camps set up along the English Channel. — News agencies
[Meanwhile, as reported by our staff correspondent from Peshawar,] President of Pakistan NAP Wali Khan has accused the PPP of violating yet another solemn election pledge and one of its fundamental political objects “by reactivating the CENTO”. The NAP chief in a statement today [June 14] said that “the PPP stood for the abrogation of so-called defence pacts like SEATO and CENTO”. He said Mr Bhutto … had assured that he had discarded SEATO but Mr Wali Khan observed that “SEATO has achieved its objective by officiating the dismemberment of Pakistan … causing the loss of East Pakistan”.
Published in Dawn, June 15th, 2023
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