

The way out
03 Sep, 2024

The way out

Till the civilian leadership accepts that politics require compromise, nothing can be expected to change.
Land and power
03 Sep, 2024

Land and power

NO nexus is stronger than the link between political power and plots (land) in this country. This has always been ...
Degree drama
03 Sep, 2024

Degree drama

ELEMENTS within the state continue to employ underhanded, even farcical methods to silence their critics. Take the...
Bad air
Updated 02 Sep, 2024

Bad air

An average resident’s life expectancy is still reduced by 3.3 years due to air pollution in Pakistan, AQLI report says.
Ulema’s role
02 Sep, 2024

Ulema’s role

ALONG with robust action from the state, all elements within society are required to play their role to fend off the...
Protect women
02 Sep, 2024

Protect women

ENTRENCHED misogynistic and patriarchal beliefs have normalised violence against women in society; harassment, rape,...