Tomato plants are one of the most sought-after winter crops
Tomato plants are one of the most sought-after winter crops

Q. This is not a question but I wanted to share that I was lucky to get an electric mulcher for my very large garden. In autumn, I put all the dried and fallen leaves through the mulcher, and it makes excellent compost along with kitchen green waste.

I have also successfully grown cuttings of Cassia nodosa trees and Korean sapphire dragon trees as well.  

A. It is very heartening to learn that you are making compost from dried leaves and kitchen green waste while making full use of technology. It is also wonderful to know of your gardening accomplishments when it comes to growing both tree varieties. Please keep our readers updated with the progress of both trees, and do not forget to share photographs as well.

Q. I am interested in growing turai (sponge gourd). Where can I get sponge gourd seeds from and what variety would be best for growing? Also, what type of soil do you recommend for growing sponge gourds? I live in Karachi.

All your gardening queries answered here...

A. The gourd family is easily grown in Karachi as a bumper crop. You can find the seeds at almost at all the renowned seed stores and gardening shops across the metropolitan area. You can visit the gardening shops opposite Old Sabzi Mandi and those located in the Saddar area. You can even purchase them online. My personal experience is that the white seed variety grows comparatively better and produces good results in Karachi in terms of foliage, fruiting and growth as compared to the black seed variety.

Finally, the soil available at any local nursery will easily fulfil your requirements. You may, however, need to ensure a good combination with 70 percent soil and 30 percent fully decomposed cow manure, providing enough nutrition for the seeds to grow into a fruit-bearing, healthy vine. All the best, and happy gardening!

Sponge gourd can easily be grown in Karachi | Photos by the writer
Sponge gourd can easily be grown in Karachi | Photos by the writer

Q. I recently grew chilli plants in a medium-sized pot and they were growing fine but now, when they have become plants, green fungus has started to grow in their soil. I’m afraid the fungus might harm the chilli plant. What might have caused it and what can I do to prevent this from happening again?

A. It seems that the soil in your pot is getting compact, due to which it is difficult for it to drain off the water and moisture within. Due to this retained dampness, the fungus is accumulating on the soil surface of the pot. You may need to lightly till the upper surface of the soil. Just make sure not to do it very close to the stem and not too deep into the soil, as it may damage the plant and especially the roots underneath. You may also add compost to the soil to increase its draining capacity. Since it is a potted plant, check for the water drainage hole at the bottom. If it is clogged, it may be hampering the water drainage. Clear the drainage hole as well.

Q. I am from Karachi and have tried growing tomato plants multiple times in the last few months but have never succeeded. Not once was I able to germinate them from seeds. I read all your articles and followed all the steps, but every time I fail. I used fresh seeds from tomato pulp. The soil is well drained. What am I doing wrong?

A. Right now is not the season to grow tomatoes at home in Karachi. The preferred time to germinate tomato seeds would be around mid-October. Be patient and sow your seeds around that time, and they will hopefully grow. Best of luck!

Q. I read your article titled ‘Tree time for the soul’. I was really impressed with your in-depth approach. I also want to learn from you.

A. Thank you so much for your kind words and appreciation. Keep reading, and continue to provide us with your feedback and queries at the email address provided at the end of each article. Please note that we only publish a select number of letters and emails. We also do not respond individually or directly to the queries that we receive. Don’t forget to mention your city, and it is better if you attach the relevant query photograph as well.

Please send your queries and emails to The writer is a physician and a host for the YouTube channel ‘DocTree Gardening’ promoting organic kitchen gardening

Published in Dawn, EOS, September 24th, 2023



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