Published December 17, 2023
Dr Iftikhar Salahuddin, the author
Dr Iftikhar Salahuddin, the author

Persia — Land of Emperors and Kings
By Iftikhar Salahuddin
ISBN: 9789692331616

There are several books that have been published about Persia. But Persia — Land of Emperors and Kings, a coffee table edition, is a work of art, a masterpiece. Iftikhar Salahuddin, or should I say ‘the good doctor’ since he is an ear, nose and throat specialist, possesses a keen eye for detail as he aims his camera lens at the history and culture of Persia, to tell a picturesque story of a country’s contributions to the civilised world.

The chapters of the book categorically deal with various phases in the history of Persia and also the people who mattered in those times. There is the impact of Zoroastrianism, the invasion of the Seljuks, the colonisation of Persia by the British, the Pahlavis.

A mannequin sits on a replica of the Peacock Throne in the ornate Museum Hall of the Golestan Palace in Tehran
A mannequin sits on a replica of the Peacock Throne in the ornate Museum Hall of the Golestan Palace in Tehran

It is also a story of imperialism, that takes you full circle from Cyrus the Great to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. As people say, the former achieved greatness and the latter had greatness thrust upon him. Cyrus is buried in the Persia of today, Iran, while Pahlavi died in exile after losing the peacock throne.

Persepolis, the capital city of the glorious Achaemenid Empire, lies in ruins after devastation by Alexander
Persepolis, the capital city of the glorious Achaemenid Empire, lies in ruins after devastation by Alexander

In between, there are the various dynasties finding prominence through the pages of the book, such as the Parthian Dynasty, the Sassanid Dynasty, the Timurid Dynasty, the Afsharid Dynasty, the Safavid Dynasty and the Qajar Dynasty. There is also much mention about the personalities — seers, scholars and poets — who represent Persia and also their famous works.

A coffee-table tome full of exquisite photography educates about the richness of the history of Persia while also being a work of art

There is the Sufi saint Jalal al-Din Rumi, the physician Avicenna, mathematicians Al-Biruni and Omar Khayyam, poets Sheikh Saadi, Hafez Sherazi and Abul Qasem Firdowsi, to name a few. They brought glory to Persian literature. It is said that the emergence of the poets happened particularly during times of social unrest and insecurity.

A statue of Avicenna on the campus of the Medical College in Bukhara
A statue of Avicenna on the campus of the Medical College in Bukhara

On the one hand, the book tells you the story of the richness of Persian culture, of riches and splendour. On the other, it also tells you a story of loot and plunder. You find images of empty crypts of kings that were plundered not by grave robbers but by Alexander’s army.

The Chehel Sotun (literally 40 columns) palace built by the Safavids
The Chehel Sotun (literally 40 columns) palace built by the Safavids

Other senseless acts by Alexander, who wanted to avenge the burning of the Athenian Acropolis at the hands of Xerxes in 480 BCE, include his telling his troops to burn down Persepolis, the gate of all nations and the ceremonial capital of the glorious Achaemenid Empire, destroy Pasargadae, which is located near Persepolis and after ransacking graves at Naqsh-i-Rustam, the famed necropolis of the Achaemenid kings in Fars, take the loot to Greece. And to add insult to injury, Alexander declared himself King of Persia. The author however doesn’t like calling him ‘Alexander the Great’, as he is otherwise known to the world. He calls him ‘Alexander of Macedonia’.

The reviewer is a business consultant

Published in Dawn, Books & Authors, December 17, 2022


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