THE residents of Quetta have been burdened with extremely exorbitant gas bills for the last couple of months by the Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC). The hapless people are already pressed hard financially and are unable to feed their families as inflation has diminished their purchasing power.
Highly worried about their food, health and education expenses, exorbitant gas bills have proved to be the last straw that has broken their back. It speaks volume of the callous-ness of the government, which, instead of alleviating their sufferings through financial relief programmes, is rubbing salt into the wounds of indigent people.
With such inflated gas bills in their hands, and a severely curtailed and disrupted gas supply, the people simply do not know what to do.
The fact is that the shortfall of gas has compelled people to make heating and cooking arrangement through alter-natives, like coal and oil burners. And, yet, they continue to receive unjust bills for a commodity that is not even being supplied to them. The gas consumption remains low, but the per-unit charges have ballooned up their gas bills. How can the common salaried man with a monthly income of, say, Rs50,000 pay a utility bill of Rs10,000?
Is there anyone who can lend a sympa- thetic ear to listen to the cries of hapless people for whom life is getting tougher and more miserable all the time?
There is no let-up at all in the financial difficulties of the poor people as the government is only adding to the financial misery with newer taxes and charges along with revised tariff. All we can do is to plead. Have pity on us. Please.
Asma Qasim
Published in Dawn, February 6th, 2024