Birds like to use tomato fruit as a water source
Birds like to use tomato fruit as a water source

Q. I hope this email finds you well. I am a retired banker and a fellow gardening enthusiast. I found your article on growing canna lily plants very informative. Can you guide from where I can obtain the canna lily plant or the seeds of its flowers? I am based in Islamabad. Your guidance is appreciated.

A. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. Different varieties of the canna lily plant are widely available at renowned nurseries across Pakistan. However, if you are having difficulty in finding one, then there are a few ways to get the plant for yourself. You may visit any nearby nursery and show them the photograph of any canna lily variety of your choice. They generally arrange the plants for the buyer in a few days, if they are not already available. Similarly, you may purchase it from online sellers.

Another way is to purchase the canna lily seeds from the gardening and plant shops or the seed stores in your vicinity. They come in different varieties and colours. Choose as per your liking! We shared the method of growing the canna lily plant from the seeds in our articles earlier. It is a little difficult for new gardeners, but not impossible. It is also a time-consuming method and it will take a while before the plant eventually bears a colourful flower.

Q. I read with interest your article on gardening on the subject of Indigo Cherry Drops. I would like to know where I can find seeds or branches to grow Indigo Cherry Drops in Lahore? Also, if I plant these in February, will they grow in the next few weeks or months? How much time does the plant take to fruit?

A. Thank you for your queries and interest. The article was part of a two-article series and most of your queries are already addressed in the second article ‘A Dollop of Indigo Delights’, published on February 18, 2024. As mentioned earlier, it is still very rare. Therefore, the seeds and branches are not easily available in plant stores and nurseries in Pakistan. However, some online sellers, especially those hailing from Punjab, are selling the plant and/or seeds of the Indigo Cherry Drops through social media platforms, albeit at inflated prices.

All your gardening queries answered here

The ideal range of temperature for growing Indigo Cherry Drops would be somewhere between 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. It requires lots of sunlight and abhors rainfall, since the latter may result in the growth of plant-threatening infections and critters. There is no fixed pattern but, after the germination of seeds, it takes about 10 to 14 weeks in favourable conditions, before you might get to harvest your first Indigo Cherry Drops. Happy gardening!

The canna lily plant can also be grown from seed | Photos by the writer
The canna lily plant can also be grown from seed | Photos by the writer

Q. In an article published on February 11, 2024, you told us about a rare tomato type in your article Indigo Delights. I really liked this informative article. I want to know how to save my plants from being eaten by sparrows? Are there any remedies? What should I do?

A. Thank you for your kind words. Other than pests, insects and diseases, plants and their harvests get destroyed by small birds as well. In hot weather, the seedlings attract small thirsty birds. Usually, the seedlings are watery enough to quench their thirst. There are some very basic methods to avoid the birds from getting away with your seedlings, flowers, seed pods, fruits and even small plants. Firstly, you may install a green net, wherever possible, especially at the time when birds visit your plants. It is a painstaking process and you might need to do it daily, so that the plant does not get deprived of essentials, such as sunlight exposure, aeration and water.

Many gardeners insert sticks near the plant with CDs hanging on it. These CDs serve as a sunlight reflector and the reflected light also scares away birds. Finally, providing an alternative to the birds would also help to distract them from the plants. Simply put in a container or a bowl filled with fresh water for the birds, so they can satisfy their thirst and leave your plants in peace.

Q. I live in an apartment, where the balcony gets direct sunlight exposure of one hour every day. The indirect light remains for a few hours as well. I want to know if there are any herbs or vegetables that I may grow there in the form of hanging pots.

A. It would have been really helpful if you had mentioned your city. It would be difficult to grow vegetables in hangings because of the limited availability of soil and nutrients required by the plant for growth. However, you may easily grow herbs, such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon balm and mint, which usually require limited sunlight exposure.

Please send your queries and emails to The writer is a physician and a host for the YouTube channel ‘DocTree Gardening’ promoting organic kitchen gardening

Published in Dawn, EOS, April 28th, 2024



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