Dazel’s Treasure Chests

Dazel, who loves collecting trinkets, woke up on a Saturday realising she had a bigger problem — not enough space to store her growing treasure!
Published July 6, 2024

Dazel woke up to the mellow light of the rising sun. She realised with a start that she had overslept. Then she smiled. It was a Saturday.

“I would never have been able to oversleep when I lived in my old pond,” she said as she bathed herself in the cool water of the artificial pond which was her new home. She could see Wiz Rooster’s house from where she floated in her new pond home in the rooster’s backyard. Through the window, she could see the rooster engrossed in reading something at his desk. As if sensing her gaze, he looked up, glanced at Dazel and raised his white wing in greeting.

Dazel shouted cheerily, “Good morning, Sir!” The rooster grinned back. Dazel sighed as she relished her breakfast of sunflower seeds; the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees provided soothing music. She loved the privacy her new home provided her. She had worried about feeling isolated when she first moved from the community at the old pond where she had lived with several other creatures.

She realised soon that she enjoyed her solitude. She liked to ponder by herself and loved the peace and quiet. But most importantly, she loved the space the new artificial pond provided her.

Dazel loved to collect interesting things that she found when she adventured around D’Land. For safekeeping, she used to hide these items in holes dug under rocks. But there had never been enough space for her to organise her precious collection in her old home. The old pond had been crowded and congested.

“But now I have plenty of space,” she shared with Wiz Rooster that evening as the two met in Wiz Rooster’s study. It had become a ritual for them to meet on Saturdays and Sundays for tea time. Dazel looked forward to these rendezvous the entire week as it gave her a chance to share her thoughts with the rooster who was her mentor and teacher.

This evening the subject was Dazel’s growing collection of bric-a-brac. “I was counting my items and I realised I have over 200 objects.”

“That’s so interesting,” remarked Wiz Rooster. “I’m impressed. Do tell me what you have in your collection?”

“Well, it’s basically a range of exotic feathers and rocks. A twig gnarled in the shape of a butterfly and a dwarf tree … I even have an amazing crystal which is my most prized treasure! I found it in one of the mines of D’Land’s northern mountains,” revealed Dazel enthusiastically.

“Oh my! I would like to see all these items,” said Wiz.

“Please Sir, do come. It will be such an honour,” Dazel pleaded, thoroughly pleased. So after teatime, Wiz Rooster ambled towards Dazel’s artificial pond and gasped when he saw the hole where all of Dazel’s treasure was stashed. “This is quite a collection Dazel,” Wiz Rooster said, impressed. “It deserves to be shown to the world.”

“It’s nothing, Sir,” said Dazel modestly even though her heart expanded with pride. She had collected these items over the last many years and she prized them immensely.

“I suggest we call in a team of carpenters to make a treasure chest for you; one with many shelves so you store these items carefully. Also, you can show them to a few selected visitors … start a museum of sorts,” said the rooster. “Maybe even charge something from the visitors.”

Dazel’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Really? You really think these things are worth displaying?”

“I would have never suggested it if they weren’t,” he replied smiling.

The next day Wiz Rooster called in a team of woodpeckers. “We want you to design two treasure chests for us. One should hold at least a hundred items so you will need to make compartments, shelves and partitions.”

Wally, the woodpecker smiled, “Sounds like a challenge! Sure, Sir. Anything for you! Your chests will be ready in a week.”

Exactly a week later on Sunday, two large chests were hauled by two huge anteaters into Wiz Rooster’s backyard where Dazel’s artificial pond was located. Dazel squealed in pleasure as she opened the lid and saw the three-layered shelves and a multitude of tiny compartments.

“This is a collector’s dream come true,” she rejoiced. Wiz Rooster grinned at Dazel’s contagious excitement.

“But how do I pay for this?” Dazel asked Wiz suddenly realising that these chests must have cost a fortune.

“The deal was that Wally and his team get to choose one item from your collection,” Wiz Rooster said solemnly. “Do you agree to their terms?”

Dazel was taken aback. She thought for a moment and then nodded her consent. “Yes, Sir!”

Wally scrutinised all the glistening rocks, vibrant feathers and the collage of interesting items before him. “I’ll take that rock,” he finally said, pointing to the crystal — Dazel’s most precious item.

Dazel’s face fell. She didn’t know what to say. She simply gaped at Wiz Rooster. What was she supposed to do? She loved that crystal.

“Can you excuse us for a moment,” the rooster asked Wally politely. Wiz Rooster took Dazel aside and murmured, “I think the swap is worth it. These treasure chests are necessary to keep your other items safe. But the choice is yours. I’m sure Wally will find many other customers for these exquisite chests if you decide you don’t want them.”

Dazel nodded. “Yes Sir. You are right. I need these chests and a price must be paid for them.”

“I’m glad you are being sensible about this, Dazel,” smiled Wiz Rooster.

Once Wally and his team had been given the crystal, Dazel began to place one item at a time in each compartment lovingly.

“These chests have increased the worth of my collection, Sir. Thank you for the marvellous idea.”

“Anytime, my dear,” replied Wiz Rooster. “Now I’ll look forward to the day when you open your collection to the world.”

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