KARACHI: Sardar Sher Baz Mazari, MNA, and leader of the independent group in the National Assembly … suggested to the Prime Minister to convene a conference of elected representatives of various parties, including the detained NAP leaders, “for a genuine and sincere settlement” of the Baluchistan problem. He told a news conference … that such a conference would pave the way for the “restoration of fundamental rights, release of all political prisoners … and freedom of the Press”, besides a just settlement in Baluchistan. He said: “Let the Prime Minister … try to achieve the distinction in history of bringing democracy … in the country rather than striving to remain in power regardless of the innocent blood flowing in the dry and barren hills and the burning sands of Baluchistan.”

[Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from Tel Aviv,] Israeli marines yesterday [July 8] sank some 30 unarmed fishing boats in Lebanese port towns, an Israeli military spokesman said here. … The spokesman said the raids were made to warn Lebanon not to seek military aid from other Arab nations. … Lebanon is expected to complain to the Security Council.

Published in Dawn, July 10th, 2024



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