Pakistan offers Oman support in eliminating terrorism following imambargah attack

Published July 19, 2024
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif meets Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman Fahad Sulaiman Khalaf Al Kharusi in islamabad on Friday. — PID
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif meets Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman Fahad Sulaiman Khalaf Al Kharusi in islamabad on Friday. — PID

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday offered support to Oman in eliminating terrorism while condemning the recent attack on an imambargah in Muscat that claimed six lives and injured over 30 people.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said the offer was extended during a courtesy visit by the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman Fahad Sulaiman Khalaf Al Kharusi to the premier at the Prime Minister’s House.

Earlier this week, Omani police confirmed that six people, including four Pakistani nationals, lost their lives in the attack while more than 30 sustained injuries. On Thursday, they added that three suspects — all brothers and Omani nationals — adhering to “misguided ideas” were behind the attack and were killed upon resisting security forces.

PIA spokesperson Abdullah Khan told today that two bodies were brought back to Islamabad and two to Lahore, subsequently being handed over to the relatives of the deceased.

PM Shehbaz strongly condemned the attack while appreciating Oman’s swift response and cooperation with Pakistan in the repatriation of the bodies and treatment of the injured.

“The prime minister said Pakistan had itself been the victim of terrorism for the past several decades,” the statement said. “He offered Pakistan’s support to Oman in dealing with the menace of terrorism, which must be eliminated in all its forms.”

The prime minister also conveyed his good wishes for Oman’s Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, stating that the two countries “enjoyed close, brotherly ties with a shared history, faith, and culture”.

The prime minister also “expressed Pakistan’s desire to further strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries, particularly in trade, investment, energy and defence”, the statement added.

Additional reporting by Imtiaz Ali.



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