A tale of misery

Published September 2, 2024

MY recent visit to Hyderabad’s famous Rani Bagh was nothing short of shocking and disheartening. The tracks, once a pleasure to walk on, were littered with debris, and in a dire need of maintenance. The flowers, which used to bloom in colours, are now either absent or dying. Instead of the sweet fragrance of flowers, there was an overpowering smell of decay, making it difficult to enjoy even a walk through the premises.

Furthermore, tables and benches, which once provided rest to weary visitors, now stand broken as a sad reminder of the neglect they have been subjected to. Pools of stagnant water on the ground make it impossible for the people to access certain areas. Unfortunately, the fountains, which used to be a centrepiece of attraction, now stand dry and filled with rubbish. To my surprise, there was only one dustbin in the whole park.

Even more alarming is the realisation that Rani Bagh is now under private management, with an entry fee of Rs50 per person. Despite receiving a large number of visitors every day, no new developments or improvements have been made in the park. This situation raises serious questions about the transparency in park management.

Rani Bagh is more than just a park; it is a vital part of our community, offering a rare green space to the people of Hyderabad, especially those with limited means for leisure and recreation. The city administration should take immediate action. Let us not allow this precious gem to deteriorate any further.

Abbas Ali

Published in Dawn, September 2nd, 2024



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