The SpongeBob SquarePants Cinematic Universe manages to expand with Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie. Released on Netflix, the movie mixes live-action with CGI and animation, where the animated characters interact with the real ones. The film brings back the crazy underwater world of all the beloved characters, SpongeBob and Sandy Cheeks at the forefront. This third SpongeBob movie keeps up with the fun jokes, bright animation and lovable lessons from the other films.

The film begins when the whole of Bikini Bottom — SpongeBob’s underwater home — is scooped up by a crane and transported to a Texas laboratory. Evil scientist Sue Nahmee (Wanda Sykes) plans to exploit their environs and turn them into a theme park attraction and a toy line. All in flesh and blood (not animation), she begins with experiments on the residents, and here enter the heroes. When it’s saving the world, SpongeBob is joined by a capable, science-savvy character, Sandy. The addition of Sandy makes the two-member world-saving team stronger.

Despite the presence of SpongeBob (voiced by Tom Kenny), Sandy Cheeks’ character (voiced by Carolyn Lawrence) is given more screen time in this 86-minute movie than in the previous ones. Her practical approach to problem-solving gives the film a balance of humour and heart. Whether it’s constructing gadgets on the go or using her karate skills to fend off enemies, Sandy proves to be a reliable and tough ally. Even her family, when summoned at a crucial moment, is a treat to watch. They are more circus performers than family members, who perform rather than help out.

The stunning animation, vibrant colours and detailed character designs bring all the characters and its surreal underwater landscapes to life. While the humour remains as silly as ever, warmth comes from the camaraderie between the characters. Sandy’s dry humour, often poking fun at SpongeBob and Patrick’s antics, fits perfectly into the film’s tone. As for the one-liners, they are silly and senseless. SpongeBob’s dialogues are funny while Sandy has used philosophy in the lines.

Directed by Liza Johnson. the movie touches on themes of friendship, perseverance, and being there for the ones you love. Sandy’s unwavering dedication to helping SpongeBob demonstrates the power of true friendship. Her character embodies loyalty and strength, serving as a reminder that intellect and courage can go hand in hand.

Published in Dawn, Young World, September 14th, 2024



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