Five reasons why you need fish oil in your diet

Make the most of your health today for a better, brighter and happier future tomorrow with Nutrifactor’s Normega Fish Oil.
Published October 1, 2024 Updated October 1, 2024 10:47am

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often neglect the one thing that matters most — our health.

Eating whatever is quick, fast and convenient only leaves a few options, where you often end up missing out on vital nutrients and vitamins you should be consuming. Thankfully, we live in an age where speed and convenience also apply to all things health and we have supplements such as fish oil. Yes, you read that right — an oil supplement derived from fish.

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is extracted from the flesh of fish such as anchovies, salmon, sardines, herring, tuna and trout. It contains vital nutrients that you get from eating seafood, something which, depending on where you are from, could either be a luxury or just a plain old hassle to source.

We know what you’re thinking — fish oil? Smelly, icky and just plain weird? Not at all!

In fact, here are five major reasons why you should consider adding fish oil to your daily diet.

1. Improved cardiovascular health

Fish oil is a key source of omega-3 fatty acids with 30 per cent of it composed of the substance.

Omega 3 fatty acids are known as the good fats. The omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish provide the greatest health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids actually boost and improve overall heart health.

Did you know that regularly chowing down on fish corresponds to a substantially lower rate of heart disease? So, what do you think will happen if you make fish oil a part of your daily routine?

Let us tell you:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Prevention of artery-hardening plaque formation
  • Lower triglycerides

But what does all of that medical jargon actually mean? Simply put, pop a fish oil pill a day and you can expect to have a healthier heart, thus reducing the risk of mortality from severe heart disease.

Fish oil can also act to improve the conditions of patients with pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, or heart failure, so it’s never too late to make that lifestyle change today for a better tomorrow.

Chances are, you might not feel the ill effects of poor heart health today, in the prime of youth, but poor care and lack of attention in this regard can have serious consequences in the future.

The addition of fish oil to your daily supplements can go a long way in warding off these headaches for future you!

2. Heightened brain function

The ole noggin is essentially a big piece of fat floating in liquid. An intake of fat is crucial to healthy brain development, but not just any fat — you must ensure that the fat your body is taking in is of the right kind and does not end up harming you in other ways.

Fish oil is one of the best sources of fat for promoting healthy brain development and cognitive function. This is because the omega-3 fatty acids form a crucial part of the polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up the brain’s composition.

Fish oil will not only boost mental clarity, functioning and performance but also keep you happier and livelier and stave off depression, ageing, anxiety, stress and mood swings.

This means you’ll have a better mood, personality, social behaviour and satisfaction, thus yielding better thinking skills, better decision-making skills, better memory retention and more.

The heart and the brain go hand in hand in keeping you healthy. One cannot be neglected for the other and vice versa. Fish oil is a key supplement to add to your daily intake because it targets and aids both organs.

3. Better joint health

Fish oil is not just intended for those young, active and working the weekly grind — it’s also an amazing supplement for the elderly and those not as active due to age or joint-related conditions.

Fish oil can also help those suffering from joint ailments since it has anti-inflammatory properties and can thus bring relief to swollen and painful joints, as seen in various conditions of arthritis.

It helps the elderly in other ways as well, such as by protecting their bone mineral density and thus preventing serious injury and risk of fracture from falls.

4. Improved vision and eyesight

We’ve been told since watching the OG troll, Bugs Bunny, that carrots are good for your eyesight and what makes rabbits so good at spotting enemies. But did you know that fish oil also plays a role in improving overall vision?

According to evidence, high levels of EPA and DHA might strongly reduce the risk of age-related visual degradation.

Apart from saving you from vision loss, fish oil also leads to better retention of moisture by the body due to the omega-3 fatty acids, thus preventing dry eyes and the need to incessantly scratch them.

So, it might be a good idea to start having fish oil today if you don’t want to end up with glasses or paying for laser eye surgery in the future.

5. Overall well-being

Apart from the above important benefits and advantages, fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids put a kick in your overall health in many other ways.

Fish oil does more than just spruce up your internal system — it can also become part of your skincare routine by aiding healthy skin because omega-3 fatty acids form a big part of its makeup.

Have you ever felt bogged down by asthma or seasonal allergies? Omega-3 fatty acids might help with curbing symptoms and even possibly lead to throwing away that inhaler altogether.

Fish oil has also been used to aid overall liver health and that it is because it can be used to ward off or decrease the effects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, thus increasing recovery.

Fish oil improves liver function by reducing inflammation and reducing the amount of fat in it. This, working in tandem with the fat-burning qualities of omega-3 fatty acids, also means you can take fish oil to work on that summer bod, cut weight and, more importantly, avoid health risks associated with obesity.

Lastly, fish oil is also not something meant solely for adults or the elderly. In fact, all those advantages up there — they extend to a developing a baby during pregnancy as well since omega-3 fatty acids and other compounds in fish oil can aid the foetus’ visual, cognitive and immune development.

As for children, apart from improving brain development and thinking skills, fish oil can also help control hyperactive, inattentive, impulsive and aggressive behaviour, leading to better thinking and attention spans.

Nutrifactor’s Normega Fish Oil

With all that being said, after going through why you should absolutely add fish oil to your daily diet, the question that comes next is, where do you get it from? Is there any particular brand to try out?

The answer to that is Nutrifactor’s Normega Fish Oil.

Normega Fish Oil is a premium fish oil supplement designed from the ground up to support overall health and well-being.

Some of the reasons that make it a must-have in your cabinet of go-to supplements is that it is made from pure Icelandic fish oil. Nutrifactor imports pure fish oil from Iceland, ensuring the highest quality and purity of product to ensure that what you consume has dilution.

Nutrifactor’s fish oil is sourced from Lysi, the world’s leading fish oil producer and supplier, known for its stringent quality standards and sustainable practices, ensuring that you get the absolute best with no compromise for your health.

This is made possible by Lysi using state-of-the-art advanced processing techniques to ensure that its fish oil is free of toxins and heavy metals that are unfortunately all too common in seafood sourced from contaminated waters.

Sequential steps such as neutralisation, refining, bleaching, winterisation and deodorisation processes guarantee that Nutrifactor’s fish oil is safe, pure and of the highest quality as every customer deserves.

The market and demand for fish oil and its supplements have led to the rise of various synthetic and artificial products. However, Nutrifactor believes natural is always better and Normega Fish Oil is 100pc natural.

So what’s the difference? All-natural makes it more effective, with no side effects for the liver, better absorption and easier metabolism in contrast to the adverse effects of some other fish oil offerings on the market.

Lastly, Nutrifactor’s Normega fish oil is packed in halal gelatin soft gels, which prevent aftertaste and control odour, ensuring a pleasant experience for consumers and a smooth swallow.

With all that said, we hope you are planning to incorporate fish oil into your daily schedule from tomorrow. We know we already have and our choice is Nutrifactor’s Normega Fish Oil which has a number of products on offer.

Make the most of your health today for a better, brighter and happier future tomorrow.

This content is produced in paid partnership with Nutrifactor and is not associated with or necessarily reflective of the views of