KARACHI: The Government of Pakistan have decided on their own initiative to rush all possible aid for the relief of the victims of the recent floods in Zahidan and the series of earthquakes around Bushire. A plane with doctors, nurses and medicines is being flown to Zahidan today (Wednesday). Arrangements are also being made to send further aid by aircraft as well as by special trains if necessary.
Bushire, port and airfield town on Persian Gulf with a population of 20000, was rocked by a ravaging earth[quake] on Jan 29. This was followed by a series of severe shocks snapping away all lines of communications. [F]loods swept Zahidan, near the Baluchistan border about 400 miles from Bushire, almost simultaneously, drowning the major portion of the town and cutting it off from the rest of the country. Snow and biting cold have made the tragedies still more pronounced and are preventing relief teams from reaching the stricken areas. The advance party of Pakistan’s relief mission to the brotherly nation consists of three surgeons, five nurses, a party of stretcher-bearers, about 15,000 lbs of medicines and other accessories.
Published in Dawn, February 1st, 2025