A three-member International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission will visit Pakistan to conduct a Governance and Corruption Diagnostic Assessment under the country’s 2024 Extended Fund Facility programme, the finance ministry said on Sunday, without specifying dates.
The ministry added that the report will recommend actions for addressing corruption vulnerabilities and strengthening integrity and governance, noting that the findings would help shape structural reforms.
“The focus of the mission will be to examine the severity of corruption vulnerabilities across six core state functions. These include fiscal governance, central bank governance and operations, financial sector oversight, market regulation, rule of law, and AML-CFT,” the ministry said in the statement.
Pakistans government welcomed the IMFs technical support, saying the assessment would aid efforts to promote transparency and institutional capacity.
The country, currently bolstered by a $7 billion facility from the IMF granted in September, is navigating an economic recovery.
The IMF is set to review the country’s progress by March, with the government and central bank expressing confidence about meeting its targets.