KARACHI: The Pakistan Government have strongly protested to the Government of Bharat against an allegation made by Mr Rohini Kumar Chowdhry in his speech yesterday [March 8] in the Bharat Parliament that the Pakistan Government ‘were busy making preparations for war and had already occupied some portions of West Bengal and a police station in Assam’, it was reliably learnt in Karachi on Wednesday [March 8] evening.
In their protest the Pakistan Government … have characterised Mr Chowdhry’s reported allegation as utterly false and mischievous and have pointed out that such baseless statements are likely to do incalculable harm to the relations between the two countries. Pakistan’s protest which … is embodied in a telegram sent by the Prime Minister to Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, is further understood to have taken strong exception to Mr … Chowdhry’s open advocacy of war against Pakistan… .
Meanwhile political circles in Karachi, though not surprised by the open talk of war, … declare “the additional complications which such irresponsible and provocative utterances are likely to bring in their train”.
Published in Dawn, March 9th, 2025