KARACHI: The Government of Pakistan, it is learnt, have sent a strong protest to the Government of Bharat against the systematic leakage of information to the Bharat Press regarding communications addressed by the two Governments to each other over the Bengal situation and allied matters. Most of these leakages, it is pointed out, took place in a garbled and distorted form which was calculated to create entirely wrong impressions of the trend and contents of Pakistan’s notes and replies communicated to Bharat.
It may be recalled that during the last few weeks, the Bharati Press and Radio have carried a number of stories purporting to give the gist of protests and notes addressed by Bharat to Pakistan, as well as the alleged replies sent by Pakistan thereto.
The Pakistan Government are understood to have reminded … Bharat of the code of conduct under which secrecy has to be maintained with regard to communications … between two foreign Governments except when publication is jointly agreed to or one Government has given the other sufficient notice of its intention to release the documents to the public.
Published in Dawn, March 12th, 2025