ROAD IN TROUBLE: Jauhar Mor in Karachi has become a cause of nuisance for the residents. The road is bumpy, poorly-designed and even more poorly maintained, leading to traffic jams and severe commute issues. The situation is made worse by drivers who, frustrated by traffic jams, start moving on the wrong side of the road, adding to the chaos. Moreover, the numerous potholes keep collecting dirty, stagnant water, which poses health risks to both nearby residents and animals. The road urgently requires attention and repairs.
Alishba Sana
BARREN CAPITAL: The construction of new buildings in Islamabad has deteriorated the environment. Buildings are standing tall instead of trees as the capital has fallen prey to construction mafia, which thinks that money is more important than the years old picturesque beauty of the city. The government as well as the Capital Development Auth-ority (CDA) must halt cutting trees, especially in the F-9 park premises, and plant as many new trees as possible. This is crucial to saving the beautiful national capital from going barren.
Esha Bakht
NEW WORLD ORDER: This is with reference to the letter ‘A global debate’ (March 21) regarding the recent meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and United States President Donald Trump. It was for the first time that a conversation in the White House ended in so much bitterness and frus-
tration that it left the world shocked and uncertain about the changing world order. Provided that the US under Trump is trying to give up its global policeman’s role and focus on domestic policies, the West is looking for another individual to lead the world. As things stand curr-
ently, one thing is certain; no one wants to become part of the US in any game anymore. There is not an iota of doubt that the US has long put its allies at risk while pursuing its global ambitions, but things might change in the future.
Shaik Murtaza
Published in Dawn, March 22nd, 2025