UNFAIR FEE HIKE: Recently, edu-cational institutions in Pakistan, both private and public, have increased their fee. This is unfair as many students from poor families cannot afford to pay such a fee. Education is the basic right, and the government should make sure every-one has access to it regardless of one’s financial situation. The government needs to regulate the fee and improve the quality of education in public schools. As such, to achieve this success, the government can increase funding for training teachers and fixing school infrastructure.
Haniah Jawaid
SAVE OUR SEAS: Overfishing, coastal pollution and poor governance are leading us towards an environmental disaster. This destruction threatens marine life and livelihoods, and weakens the ability of oceans to regulate climate and absorb carbon. Unregulated deep-sea fishing is rapidly depleting fish stocks, destr-oying biodiversity, and endangering coastal communities. Similarly, unmonitored industrial waste and plastic pollution are poisoning the Arabian Sea. Karachi dumps millions of tonnes of untreated sewage into the sea, with little or no accountability to regulate this hazardous practice. The government must implement stringent fishing regulations, and control industrial pollution. It should also invest in marine conservation.
Muhammad Shahjahan Memon
SHORTAGE OF TEACHERS: The shortage of teachers in schools across Balochistan has been negatively impa-cting students’ education. One such example is of the Boys Higher Secondary School in Bal Nigwar. Although it is considered a college now, students continue to face immense difficulties, hampering their education. Ideally, a higher secon-dary school should have 15 teachers, but this institution only has eight. As a result, classes are not conducted regularly, forcing students to seek education in other cities. Those who can afford to relocate continue their studies, while others are left with no choice but to stay home.
Naseeb Peeral
Published in Dawn, March 24th, 2025