KHAIRPUR, June 26: The Khairpur district council on Monday passed its budget for the fiscal year 2006-07. District Nazim Niaz Hussain Shah Jilani presented the budget showing receipts of Rs3,393.920 million.

He said that total expenditure would be accounted for Rs3,393.400 million with a surplus of Rs519,976.

The nazim said that an amount of Rs410 million had been allocated for development works.

He said that the Sindh government had not released Rs660 million for development but a considerable amount had been earmarked for development.

He said that 29 schools would be upgraded and 17 science and 10 computer laboratories would be established in high schools.

He said that as many as 50 schools would be given new buildings and an amount of Rs2.350 million had been earmarked for scholarships.

He said that health management committees had been set up for the Khairpur civil hospital and taluka headquarter hospitals.

He said that rural health centres in Chondiko and Faiz Ganj would be upgraded and made taluka headquarter hospitals.

He said that medicines worth Rs45.4 million would be purchased for health centres in the district.

He said that modern Doppler ultrasound machines worth Rs4.5 million would be purchased.

He said that the government offices in the district would be computerised under modern management information system.

He said that an amount of Rs9 million would be spent for setting up an internet service provider (ISP) in the district which would start its operation within two months.

He said that the finance department had sanctioned 269 posts for the district in budget 2005-06 but salary for the posts amounting Rs20 million had not been released by the Sindh government.

He said that taluka municipal administrations would brought tractor and trolleys in machine grant this year whereas special grant would also be given so that the sewerage and water supply systems might be improved.

He said that an amount of Rs2.2 million had been approved for women councillors so that they could run development works.


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