BAHAWALPUR, Aug 3: Sir Sadiq Khan Memorial Gallery (after the name of late Bahawalpur Nawab) will be added to the local museum at a cost of Rs 14 million.
According to museum director Hafiz Hussain Ahmed Madni, funds have been placed at the disposal of the buildings department which will invite tenders shortly. The gallery will be decorated with articles and some of the antiques of the Bahawalpur state.
A committee has meanwhile been constituted to conduct a research on antiques and other items displayed in the museum.
TRAIN SERVICE: Bahawalpur chamber president Mehboob Nasir Chaudhury has expressed concerned over the suspension of rail service between Karachi and upcountry which has started showing its effect in the form of shortage of essential items in the market.
In his statement, he expressed his surprise that the railways had failed to build any alternative link even after the passage of several days. — Correspondent