LAKKI MARWAT, Sept 2: Police booked more than a dozen people on charges of watching obscene movies following a raid on an internet cafe here on Sunday, officials said.
Police have launched a crackdown on internet cafes as part of a campaign to eradicate vulgarity and obscenity from the area.
During the anti-obscenity drive a police party raided an internet cafe and arrested over a dozen people.
The arrested people have been charged under section 292 of the PPC and section 18 of the Motion Picture Act for allegedly watching obscene movies.
The internet users are confronted with problems as the main three Internet cafes of the town are closed and owners of two of these cafes along with more than one dozen net users are in jail.
The owners of the internet cafes have demanded of the local and higher authorities concerned to take notice of the matter and stop police from harassing the business community and net users by conducting raids on cafes.
They also demanded of the authorities of the federal and provincial ministries of science and information technology to regularise the business of internet cafes across the country and to formulate a code of conduct in this connection as soon as possible.