SOME fruits have high nutritive and medicinal value, but they are always ignored because of their low prices. One of such neglected fruits, which have extraordinary qualities, is plum (ber). The plum is commonly known as the fruit of the poor. Actually, the class differences in our society have also differentiated our diet elements only with other trends; otherwise, the resources of the universe are for all. Plum is tasteful and nutritive to the poor as well as to the rich.

The profile of the fruit exhibits that it is a rich source of nutrients both in fresh and dry form. The biochemical analysis of fresh fruit shows that 100 gram of the fruit has 81.6-83g of moisture, 26.6mg ash, 0.76-1.8mg iron, and 65.8-76mg of ascorbic acid. In case of dried fruit, 100 gram of edible portion contains calories, 473/lb (1041/kg), moisture, 68.1g, protein, 1.44g, fat, 0.21 g, carbohydrates, 2.47 g, sugar 21.66 g and fibre 1.28 g.

The fruit can be recommended to meet food deficiency in developing countries. There is a need to popularise this nutritive and low-priced fruit. The ripe fruit is mostly consumed raw, sometimes they are stewed. Under-ripe fruits are utilised in pickles, jams, jellies etc. the fruit crushed in water form a popular cold drink. Ripe fruits are preserved by sun-drying and a powder is prepared for out-of-season purposes.

Plum is also a useful source of animal food. Camels, cattle and goats readily eat the leaves. Analyses show the following ingredients in percentage dry weight: crude protein 12.9-16.9; fat 1.5-2.7; fibre 13.5-17.1; N-free extract 55.3-56.7; ash 10.2-11.7; calcium 1.42-3.74; phosphorus 0.17-0.33; magnesium 0.46-0.83; potassium 0.47-1.57; sodium 0.02-0.05; chlorine 0.14-0.38; Sulphur 0.13-0.33 per cent. They also contain ceryl alcohol and the alkaloids, protopine and berberine. The leaves are collected as food for silkworms Bombyx mori L

In addition to nutritive status, the fruit also has medicinal value. Its leaves, twigs, fruits, roots and even its bark are all valuable in this context. The fruits are applied on cuts and ulcers; are employed in pulmonary ailments and fevers; and, mixed with salt and chili peppers, are given in indigestion and biliousness. The dried ripe fruit is a mild laxative.

The seeds of the fruit are sedative and are taken, sometimes with buttermilk, to halt nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pains in pregnancy. They check diarrhoea, and are poulticed on wounds. Mixed with oil, they are rubbed on rheumatic areas. The leaves are applied as poultices and are helpful in liver troubles, asthma and fever and, together with catechu, are administered when an astringent is needed, as on wounds.

The bitter, astringent bark decoction is taken to close down diarrhoea and dysentery and relieve gingivitis. The bark paste is applied on sores. The root is purgative. A root decoction is given as a febrifuge, taenicide and emmenagogue, and the powdered root is dusted on wounds. Juice of the root bark is said to alleviate gout and rheumatism. Strong doses of the bark or root may be toxic. An infusion of the flowers serves as an eye lotion.

Plum is not an indigenous fruit of the country. The geographical distribution of fruits expresses that it is found in Syria, Iran, India, some states of Russia, Spain, France, China, Malaysia, Iraq and many countries of Africa. It is also having different names in different regions of the world. In India and Pakistan it is most commonly known as ber.

Its morphology and ecology are the best to establish it on vast areas of Pakistan with more than half as arid or semi-arid. Most senior and competent authorities in horticulture recommend that existence of plum is a blessing for the reclamation of soil. What is more import is that it is tolerant to drought. Timber of the ber tree also meets our local demands. It has been used mostly in making agricultural implements.

After evaluating the potentials in ber, it may be concluded that there should be integrated work on research and extension of this fruit crop, and steps should be taken to enhance the growth and supply of such an excellent fruit like ber.


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