WASHINGTON, July 12: President Bush said on Monday that "the governments of the United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror".

"President Musharraf is a friend of our country," he told a large gathering in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, amidst prolonged applause.

President Bush said: "Pakistan is an ally in the war on terror, and the American people are safer." In his speech, President Bush pointed out how the US changed the course of events and how it had become safer.

He said: "Three years ago, Pakistan was one of the few countries that recognized the Taliban regime. Al Qaeda was active in recruiting in Pakistan and was not seriously opposed. Pakistan served as a transit point for Al Qaeda terrorists leaving Afghanistan on missions of murder."

"Today, the governments of United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror." "President Musharraf is a friend of our country who helped in the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the operational planner behind the Sept 11 attacks, and Pakistani forces are rounding up terrorists along their nation's western border."

"Today, because we are working with Pakistani leaders, Pakistan is an ally in the war on terror, and the American people are safer." The US president referred to the global situation prevailing three years ago.

He dwelt at length on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, besides Middle East. About the A. Q. Khan network, he said it was a dangerous network. "Dr Khan's network found willing buyers in places like Libya, Iran and North Korea."

"Today, the A.Q. Khan network is out of business. We have ended one of the most dangerous sources of proliferation, and the American people are safer." In this regard, he lauded the role played by the CIA and said: "It is because of an outstanding work done by the CIA" that the dangerous network was unearthed and halted.

Mr Bush also praised President Hamid Karzai, stating, amidst prolonged clapping, that the Afghan president was a sincere friend of the United States. "Today, because we acted to liberate Afghanistan, a threat had been removed and the American people are safer." President George Bush said: "The world has changed since Sept 11, and since then, we have changed the world." -APP


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