SWABI, Nov 19: Welfare bodies and members of a local Jirga on Friday decided to act jointly to curb honour killings in the district. The decision came at a meeting arranged by the Community Development Organization.
The CDO formed a six-member committee that would monitor honour killing incidents and take steps to arrest the practice while keeping in mind cultural compulsions and traditions.
"The main thrust would be on training of people and creation of an environment where everyone gets his due place in society," said a member of the committee. Endorsing the CDO initiative, the Jirga members stressed joint efforts by the welfare bodies and tribal elders to eradicate evils from society.
The CDO members welcomed the Jirga support and said cooperation by the Jirga would be central to achieving desired objectives. It was declared that sub-committees would be formed in every locality and Jirga members would be included in it.