HYDERABAD, Jan 23: The Hyderabad Electric Supply Company has supplied power to 108 villages in two years with a cost of Rs56.936 million, official sources said.
They said electricity to 19 villages was being provided at a cost of Rs16.034 million.
Hesco had received a total of 127 development schemes under the Village Electrification Programme during 2003-04 and 2004-05 financial years with allocated funds of Rs72.970 million.
Of these, 55 schemes were under the Prime Minister's Development Programme with an allocation of Rs30.800 million, 46 schemes of the Tamir-i-Pakistan Programme (MNAs) with Rs26.535 million, six schemes of the Tamir-i-Pakistan Programme (Senators) with Rs4.951 million, 15 schemes of the Tamir-i-Sindh Programme with Rs6.188 million and five schemes of the Khushal Pakistan Programme with Rs4.496 million.
All the schemes of the Prime Minister's Development Programme have been completed with the cost of Rs28.303 million. The funds were utilized accordingly, saving Rs2.497 million.
Of 46 schemes under the Tamir-i-Pakistan Programme (MNAs), 37 had been completed with Rs20.328 million, which included 34 schemes of 2003-04 with Rs17.491 million and three schemes of 2004-05 with Rs2.837 million. The work on remaining nine schemes with Rs6.207 million is in progress and will be completed soon.
Under the Tamir-i-Sindh Programme, of 15 schemes, 12 have been completed with Rs5.279 million, which included nine schemes of 2003-04 with Rs3.782 million and three schemes of 2004-05 with Rs1.497 million.
The work on three schemes is still in progress with Rs0.909 million. Hesco received five schemes under the Khushal Pakistan Programme in 2003-04 of which four have been completed with Rs3.026 million while work on one scheme is still in progress with Rs1.470 million.
Of six schemes of the Tamir-i-Pakistan Programme (Senators) with Rs4.951 million, no scheme has yet been completed, the sources said. The company also received three schemes of partially electrified villages in 2003-04 and all these three schemes had been completed successfully with Rs1.691 million. -APP