This is apropos of your report “Aftermath of rains LBOD, RBOD, canals develop breaches” (June 8). Cyclone Phet with a low intensity caused breaches and breaks in the Left Bank Outfall Drain and the Right Bank Outfall Drain.
This has not happened for the first time as it happens every monsoon.
The long spell of rain in 2003 and 2006 in Badin and Thatta killed human beings as well as livestock.
It was reported at that time that more destruction was caused by the LBOD and the RBOD than by the rains because it did not release flood water in the sea but flowed into the villages and hamlets.
Phet caused few causalities and devastation but weakened the LBOD and RBOD embankments. These can develop breaches during the coming monsoon season. The weakened embankments may cause disaster on a large scale and flood villages and towns, forcing the people to move to other places for resettlement.