SARGODHA, Aug 25: Out of 112 applications, 29 were submitted by aspirants for five seats of the national assembly while the remaining for 11 seats of the provincial assembly in the district.
The known among the candidates are: Inamullah Piracha (PPP), the brother of ex-senator Ehsanul Haq Piracha; Pir Muhammad Ibrahim Shah (PML-N), the son of shariat court judge Pir Karam Shah Al-Azhari from NA-64; ex-MNA Ghias Ahmad Mela (PML-QA) from NA-65; ex-city Nazim Tasneem Ahmad Qureshi (PPP), ex-mayor Chaudhry Hamid Hameed (PML-N) from NA-66; ex-MNA Chaudhry Anwar Ali Cheema (PML-QA), ex-MPA Aamir Sultan Cheema (Ind), ex-MNA Hafeezullah Cheema (PPP) from NA-67; Haroon Ehsan Piracha (PPP), the son of ex-senator Ehsanul Haq Piracha; ex-MPA Chaudhry Muhammad Khan Jaspal (PPP) and ex-MPA Mian Manazir Ali Ranjha (PML-QA).