Ministries devolved

Published December 3, 2010

IN line with changes made to the constitution via the 18th Amendment, the cabinet has approved the devolution of an initial five ministries to the provinces. More will be devolved in the new year, all part of constitutional changes that have seen more powers devolved to the provinces. Certainly, the devolution plan should be applauded. The historical tensions between the centre and the provinces have much to do with the centre claiming far too much of the governance portfolio for itself, often on the grounds of the need to maintain ‘uniformity’ or perhaps because the provinces were not geared to handle certain administrative tasks. Yet, those justifications have served to rile provincial sentiments, exacerbating tensions in a federation already saddled with many problems. What is particularly positive about the changes is that they have come on the watch of a democratically elected parliament and assemblies. Along with the NFC award, the civilian politicians have demonstrated a maturity and seriousness of purpose they have often in the past been accused of lacking. Clearly, if given the time and space, some significant results can be achieved.

The main concern going forward is that the provinces need to demonstrate they are indeed up to the task of managing the devolved ministries. Initial differences over what to do with the existing personnel and resources at the federal level appear to have been resolved through negotiations. However, there are at least two big questions that have yet to be answered. First, will the provinces demonstrate the necessary fiscal responsibility by raising enough revenue to pay for the new ministries under their wings? Going forward, salaries and other resources will have to be provided for, and this at a time when the provinces routinely fail to meet even their revenue-generation commitments. Second, will the provinces take their new responsibilities seriously? It is one thing to argue that certain powers should justifiably accrue to the provinces; it is another to demonstrate that those powers will be exercised responsibly and keeping the interest of the public in mind. The experience of the five devolved ministries in the months ahead will reveal much.



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