The man who lived 5,300 years ago
March 1, 2011

Recent research has shown an Iceman now approaching the tender age of 5,300 years. Affectionately nicknamed Oetzi -- after the Oetztal Alps in South Tyrol, northern Italy, where he was found in a glacier on September 19, 1991 -- the Iceman is believed to have died around the age of 45. He was about 1.60 metres (five foot, three inches) tall, weighed 50 kilogrammes (110 pounds) -- about average for his time – and did not have blue eyes as previously believed. If he had lived today, he would have worn size 38 shoes, research shows.
Visitors will get to see Iceman Oetzi under a new light starting Tuesday at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the mummy's discovery. – Photos by AFP
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Comments (6) Closed
Mar 01, 2011 07:57pm
very nice article...
Mar 02, 2011 12:37pm
From the remains it seems that individual is like a normal man existing today, those who believe in Darwin's Theory Of Evolution and other evolution theories, can they point out any substantial difference between 5300 yrs old man and man today.?
Nasir Aziz
Mar 02, 2011 12:54pm
its a very clued-up ......
Indian Physicist
Mar 02, 2011 02:39pm
@Shahzad: Evolution, based on natural mutations and natural selection operates on time scales which are much larger than 5000 years, for large organisms such as humans. In fact humans have been in the present form for close to 100,000 years. By the way, Darwinian evolution is not a belief system - it actually happens and for smaller organisms one can actually see it in action.
Hafiz Aqeel Ahmed
Mar 02, 2011 04:08pm
Stunning! Such things can bring close a man to his creator.
Arahim baloch
Mar 02, 2011 06:39pm
is this same as todays human?
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