WASHINGTON: Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani has called upon the young generation of Pakistani -Americans to step forward and be recognized as achievers and contribute as productive members of the American mainstream life.
Addressing a Town Hall meeting at a Youth Conference especially arranged for Pakistani- American students and young professionals in Chicago on Saturday, the Ambassador urged the youth to embrace careers in the political and social arena to enhance public visibility of the community at the US national level.
The Ambassador also answered questions on a wide range of issues including US-Pakistan relations, democracy in Pakistan, counterterrorism and the role of Pakistani -American community.
He said a young and vibrant youth held the key to the future success of Pakistani American Diaspora, which had many achievements to its credit, yet remained largely unnoticed due to its absence from the public sphere.
The day-long Youth Conference was organized by Consulate General of Pakistan, Chicago in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago and was attended by over 300 students and young professionals of Pakistani origin.
The event was part of a series of youth events to be held across the US The first Youth Conference was held in Washington DC in July this year.
Similar events are planned to be held in New York, Houston and Los Angeles in the coming months, officials said.