The Himachal Pradesh state government is offering a reward of 500 Indian Rupees ($9.50) for every monkey caught by a member of the public in an effort to control their numbers. Monkeys are increasingly seen as a nuisance in places like the capital Shimla, where they harass people and other animals on the roads and rifle through garbage bins looking for food. Monkeys caught are taken to one of four sterilization centres, where they are neutered before being released back into the same area they were trapped in. -Photos by Reuters
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Kanwar Singh
Nov 24, 2011 05:07pm
Man wants the whole planet for himself? Might be right !!
Nov 24, 2011 07:00pm
I was bitten by a monkey in Delhi once.
Nov 25, 2011 08:42am
thank you very much to take this problem in your notice and cover it, similarly another cities also are facing the problem of stray dogs, in our ahmedabad there are more than one million dogs, you can understand how much trouble public will be facing but local administration ignores that, it is a source of income for them, they earn in sterilization, they are interested in earning money from vaccine sellers only, please consider about that also.
Nov 26, 2011 11:50am
"where they are neutered before being released back into the same area"
This is cruelty. Animal rights activists should interfere.